More Festival
OO, OO, did anyone else see the fudge man hiding in the back corner besides me?!?!? I tried to be good and leave some for any others who may have come along later, but the deal was too good to pass up - buy 4, get 1 free. Of course all the mint chocolate came home with me, along with the Irish Creme and Orange Sherbet! With all those yummy flavors, who needs just plain ole chocolate?!?! lol Good thing it wasn't one of those VERY HOT days! I would have had fudge soup. Something tells me it wouldn't quite taste the same. hmmm...
OO, OO, (or should I say ow, ow?!) did anyone else see the HUGE Jolly Green Giant-sized spinning wheel?!?!? Could you imagine being the one who had to do threading and treading on that thing?!?!? Just glad it's not me! Okay now I'm going to see if I can remember how to do this, and post a couple of pictures of my daughter practicing her spinning, and a close-up of the drop spindle that followed her home. Wish me luck! Ok, here's to success! This is the spindle that came home with us. It would be real easy to make one yourself at home - 2 CDs fitted with a rubber grommet in the center pushed onto a narrow dowel, with a small cup hook screwed into the top of the dowel.
Practicing her "fingering" like an old pro.
Up high before winding new yarn.
And on that note, its time to go. Supper, school and work things to do. Play time is over.
Have a good night. :)
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