60 Day Scarves
My three scarves are done for the 60 Day drive! Hurray! I was inspired by one of the ideas about the scarves on Crocheting with Dee not needing to be just plain ole scarves. I made these top-of-the-hip long with pockets on both sides for assorted sundries like paperbacks, glasses, AC frozen fingers. Thought I would take them up to the nursing home and see if anyone relegated to a wheelchair all day would like to try them out to see how they hold up to what I was aiming for. I didn't want a lot of length in the back like a regular sized shawl to avoid bunched up lumpies, but enough to cover the shoulder blades, upper part of the upper arm, the back of the neck,and cover the front of the chest. The hip length was to keep things in the pockets and out of the lap to avoid "spillage", and to stay out of the wheel spoke area. So I made two like this. One has a collar that can be opened or folded flat, the other "uncollared".
I am now going to attempt to actually put a picture on this page. I've got my fingers crossed I don't *low this whole site up by doing so!!!! lol Wish me luck. Woohoo! I did it! This first picture is of the collared shawlette with the collar opened up flat. I am now going to see if I can get a picture on here with the collar folded over. Here we go again! I'm so proud of myself just now. :-D It seems to have worked. Yay! (look Dee, look! i'm learnin'!) I'm a real pro now! lol
The pictures I have of the second scarfy shawlette came out a bit on the dark side. They're in the Picture Gallery, but I'm going to try taking some more of that one in the daylight and see if I like them better than the ones on here right now. Well it was fun trying this "new" technology out for the night, but it's time to put daughter and self in the bed for the night.
Thanks for visiting, and come again! Good night. ~~~Nancy
P.S. my six year old took the pictures for me! Did a pretty good job!
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