
Associate Professional, Crochet Guild of America                            CGOAlogotiny.jpg

Also a member of CGOA local chapter, The Happily Hooked on Crocheting Club8bc2.jpg

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Busy, Busy Week

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've had time to sit at the computer for a bit.  Missyboo is a Brownie, and I had the good fortune to be "Cookie Mom" for the troop this year.  This was the week for all monies to be collected and deposited from the girls, have cookie booth sales, and get all orders logged into the Girl Scout cookie system.  On top of my work hours changing (and not for the better!)  Most of my computer time has been spent this past couple of weeks on cookie emails!  Too bad they weren't edible.  But then, I guess it's a good thing they weren't.  I might not have been able to get out the chair!!!  lol

Anyway, I turned in three more chemo hats for my local guild club's collection last Sunday.  There were 118 new hats collected!  I'm guessing that should put us around the 500 mark since January.  We had a visitor late in the meeting who came to learn how to make chemo hats.  She's going thru it herself, and wanted to make hats for herself and others too.  She was told to go thru the hats gathered at the meeting that day and pick one out for herself.  And let me tell you, there were some absolutely gorgeous hats made!!!!  It ended up she picked one of the three I had turned in!  I was so amazed that she did that, considering how many pretty hats were in the bag!  To me, mine were just there, and I drooled over the other ones.  Is it that way for everyone else too?  lol  chemohats.jpgAt least this time I got some pictures of the hats I turned in.  I kept forgetting to take my camera with me, or to take pictures of the other hats I had made.  One of the women at the meeting was nice enough to take these pictures and send them home for me to add to my collection.  Now let's see if I can get that picture posted here!

I made these using Lion Brand CottonEase, and I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to make 4 adult sized hats out of just one skein each of these three colors.  I plan on submitting a picture and pattern for the fourth hat I made to the Crochet Liberation Front group that started on Ravelry as they are in the process of putting a few of their own crochet pattern books together to be published.

So who knows, I've sold one pattern, now maybe I'll get one pattern published!  Now wouldn't that be cool?!  ;-D

I'm still plugging away on my mystery top that's a mix of knit and crochet.  The upper portion is now done.  I had to take both the left and right sides apart and frog them twice since I know so much about knitting.  They were a bit on the big side.  The front portion of the arm hole area just barely covered to the middle of the breast.  That's a bit too "open" for me!  Rip-it, Rip-it.  Downsizing in progress.  LOL  But it's good to go now!  Just need to finish up on the lower portion, add a sleeve or two, and viola, one done top.  Hopefully it will be done in time for the CGOA conference in July!

Well my computer time for the day is up.  I need to get some pictures taken for Missyboo's science fair project, and put a hem in a couple new pair of work pants before going to bed.  Especially the pants part.  I kinda ripped a hole in my last pair getting into the car to go home on Friday.  I'm just glad it was after work!  It would have been em-bare-assing otherwise!  LOL

Have a good night.  :-)


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