Mario and Luigi
I was browsing around online the other day and came across this site. It's called Wolfdreamer off the Hook, and Linda Potts has made some the neatest Mario Brothers characters and Pokeman characters plushies I've seen in ages! Actually I've never seen any plushies of these characters before, at least not crocheted one. Here's one of her pictures of the Mario brothers, Mario and Luigi. She has patterns of almost all the Mario characters up and running on her site, along with quite a few other characters, all beautifully done.
Missyboo and I both have a few of the Mario games. For Missyboo's birthday last year, Hubby found Yoshi's Island for Nintendo DS. For Christmas, he found one for me, saying he didn't want to hear any more of "Mom, you've got my game!"
This year Nintendo, working with Wii, came out with the new Super Mario Brothers game to be played on Wii. Up to 4 players, and I'll tell you, it's VERY interactive. Just ask my aching head from Missyboo jumping on it! lol Even Hubby got in on the action the other nite. He found out that if you hit the "A" button before being completely killed off, your character will be "bubble-ized" and float to safety. Then you just need to worry if someone else will pop you bubble for you and let you out! So you'll have to excuse me while I go make up some mascots for game night! ;D
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