Silver Nights Done. (or is it?)
I started this project about a year and a half ago. I just loved the way this was shaped, and since my knitting skills aren't the most expert (hahaha! lol), I figured this would give me the opportunity to learn a few more things, such as wrapping and turning in garter stitch. I think I have that down pretty well after a few starts and stops and froggings.
This is done in two main parts: the upper back and sleeves, then the front body and "tail". After putting them together, the shoulders and collar get completed. I've had it together for almost 8 months now, but it ended up getting put aside for other projects and contracts that needed to be done. This past couple of weeks, my schedule has been clear enough for me to get back to it again. Yay! Figured to finish it up in time to take with me to Chain Link in Manchester this year!
After getting the sleeves sewn up, I dug Big Bertha out of the closet and draped her with this new jacket. Imagine my surprise when after 4 days of hanging, the tail is now just above the floor instead of staying between knee and mid-calf. That's a LOT of stretch!!! The center point on the back is supposed to be around the top of the waist area, not below the waist, the tail in the mid-calf range.
Despite all the stretch, I really like the way the shape of this jacket fits with my "shape", but knowing me and my klutzy habits, the last thing I want to do is step on the back of this and tear it, or trip on it going up and down some stairs. So..........I'm thinking I'm going to be learning yet another thing about knitting......steeking. But not so much the actual steek itself, but the sewing that needs to be done to the fabric prior to making "the cut".
Now, I've cut my knit fabric before, but it's always been in line with the rows. Easy-peasy for picking up and finishing off. The thought of cutting along the sides of the rows scares the daylights out of me! What if I miss a couple of stitches? Will the whole thing fall apart on me anyway?
I figure if I cut and re-shape the tail now so the length is just below the knee, I can then crochet a pretty border around the bottom hem to get even more of a point to the tail without all the excess length. to then be followed up with the dreaded weaving in of ends!
Who says when one gets older, the less chances are taken? Muwahahaha! (wish me luck!)
Have a nice night. :)
Reader Comments (2)
Wow, you're brave Nancy! Can't wait to see you at Chain Link.
Oh no I'm not!! I just don't want to be wearing any kind of a cast because of stepping on my clothes!!! lol
It'll be good to see you again too!! (hugs)